Draft ExTAG Decision Sheet – Applicability of erosion and non-transmission tests on cable glands and conduit sealing devices sealed with setting compound in case of leakage
ExTAG/699/CD Comments Table
IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of China Quality Certification Center (CQC), to become an IECEx Accepted Certification Body (ExCB) in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02.
Re-assessment Report for the continued acceptance of CSA Group an Accepted Certification Body, (ExCB), and Accepted Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02.
IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of China Mining Products Safety Approval and Certification Center (CMAC), PRC, as an Accepted IECEx Certification Body (ExCB), in the IECEx System Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02.
Draft ExTAG Decision Sheet – Marking of Ex Components when intended for use only by their manufacturer
ExTAG/700/CD Comments Table
60079-11:2023, Ed 7 (Ver.7A_DS) Posted to web 2023-02-21
Draft for the Revision of IECEx OD 035 – Procedures to generate and maintain IECEx ExTAG Decision Sheets
Re-assessment Report for the continued acceptance of IMQ S.p.A. an Accepted Certification Body, (ExCB), and Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02.