Re-assessment Report for the continued acceptance of CSA Group Testing UK Ltd - CSA UK – (CSAE) an Accepted ExCB within the IECEx Equipment Scheme 02, IECEx Certified Service Facility Scheme 03 and IECEx Conformity Mark Licensing System, 04.
Reassessment and scope extension report for the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology, Ljubljana (SIQ Ljubljana), an Accepted Ex Certification Body (ExCB) and an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) in the Equipment Scheme 02, and an Accepted ExCB in the Service Facilities Scheme, 03, to include IEC 60079-28 within their scope.
Establishment of Formal Liaison with ISO TC 197/SC1 “Hydrogen Technologies”
IECEx Assessor Application, with CV and ExAG Convenor & Deputy Convenor review with recommendation for IECEx 03 Certified Service Facility Scheme for ExCB assessments_ Mr Villalan Ramasamy
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1904/DV IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch as an IECEx Testing Laboratory (ExTL), in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02.
Draft ExTAG Decision Sheet – Whether the non-metallic external fans of rotating electric machines are subjected to ultraviolet light resistance test
ExTAG/698/CD Comments Table
Confirmed Formal Minutes of the Twenty Fourth Meeting of the ExMC held Remotely on 8th-9th September 2022
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1906/DV Reassessment and scope extension report for the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology, Ljubljana (SIQ Ljubljana), an Accepted Ex Certification Body (ExCB) and an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) in the Equipment Scheme 02, and an Accepted ExCB in the Service Facilities Scheme, 03, to include IEC 60079-28 within their scope.
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1907/DV Proposal to establish a Formal Liaison between IECEx and ISO TC 197 “Hydrogen Technologies” in order to formalise the cooperation between both Groups of Experts in providing IECEx coverage of ISO TC 197 Standards.