IECEx Annual Meetings 2023 Edinburgh General Information
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1914/DV IECEx Draft for the Revision of IECEx OD 035 – Procedures to generate and maintain IECEx ExTAG Decision Sheets.
The Twenty Fourth Meeting of the ExTAG held remotely – 6th September and 7th September 2022
Scope extension and Reassessment report for UL International Demko A/S, an Accepted Ex Certification Body (ExCB), as well as a Reassessment report for Additional Testing Facilities, UL International Germany GmbH, ATF of UL LLC, INTEK SpA Italy, ATF of UL LLC
Scope Extension Assessment Report for KOMERI an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory, Republic of Korea, to include IEC 60079-15, IEC 60079-18 and IEC 60079-31 in their scope.
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1920/DV IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of SGS North America Inc, USA, to become an IECEx Accepted Certification Body (ExCB) and an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02.
IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of International Certification Registrar Co., Ltd (ICR) as an Accepted IECEx Testing Laboratory (ExTL), in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02.
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1916/DV Scope Extension Assessment Report for J.S. Hamilton Poland Sp. z o.o. to include IEC 60079-6:2015+A1:2020 Ed. 4.1 in their scope.
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1917/DV Reassessment and scope extension report for UL LLC, US, an Accepted Ex Certification Body (ExCB) an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) in the Equipment Scheme 02, and an Accepted ExCB in the Service Facilities Scheme, 03, as well as the Additional Testing Facility, ATF, Taiwan, to include *IEC/TS 60079-42 for ExTL only within their scope.
Summary of Voting results on ExMC/1921/DV Assessment Report for the Initial Assessment of KSC POLAND (KSCP), to become an Accepted Ex Certification Body (ExCB) in the IECEx 05 Scheme - Certification of Personnel Competencies (CoPC)