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Contact us The IECEx website employs email obfuscation techniques, ensuring that email addresses are not exposed to automated bots or spam harvesters.  For further information or assistance don't hesitate to get in touch with the IECEx Secretariat: IECEx SecretariatLevel 17 Angel Place123 Pitt StreetSydney, NSW 2000Australia   Your name Your email Your message You must enable JavaScript to submit this form

Partner Organisations

UNECE OIML Collaboration with Standards Committees IEC TC 31 Meeting Schedule Hydrogen Council Our impact and initiatives Who benefits Partner Organisations Partner Organisations The IECEx cooperates with regional and international bodies to reduce duplication and encourage the implementation of International IEC and ISO Standards and the IECEx Conformity Assessment Services, that provide international certification of Equipment, Services and Competence of Persons.  We c…

Countries - Member Body

Membership The IECEx membership is made up of countries who are represented by the National Member Bodies and officers who make up the Ex Management Committee (ExMC). For a country to be eligible to join the IECEx, it must already be an IEC Full Member or an IEC Associate Member.The rules for membership, including conditions under which non-IEC members can participate, are given in the IEC Conformity Assessment Systems - Basic Rules and the IECEx Supplement to Harmonized Basic Rules. M…


Executive of the IECEx System The system is administered by the IECEx Management Committee (ExMC), the membership of which includes representatives from participating countries, under IEC CA 01 IEC Conformity Assessment Systems - Basic Rules. For further information please contact the Executive Secretary, Mr Chris Agius, at Contact us. The executives of the IECEx System are:

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