Summary of the voting results on ExMC/1028/DV IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of ExVeritas Limited, as an IECEx Certification Body, ExCB, within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02 and scope extension.
Summary of the voting results on ExMC/1025/R Special Site Assessment visit for UL International Demko A/S re the UL International Germany GmbH, as an Additional Testing Location to the DK based ExTL
Nomination of ExPCC Chairman from NL
Mid-term and Scope Extension Assessment Report for Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc., Plano, Texas an Accepted ExTL within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02
Vote on the acceptance of the request from Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc., an existing Accepted Ex Test Laboratory (ExTL), to include – 60079-5, 60079-6, 60079-18, 60079-25, 60079-26, 60079-28 60079-31 within their scope.(Word Format)
Nomination of ExSFC Chairman from IECEx Executive
Nomination of ExSFC Chairman from NL
Proposal from AU for Changes to OD 019 IECEx System Fees
Confirmed List of Decisions - The Seventeenth Meeting of the ExMC held in Christchurch, New Zealand on 17th and 18th September 2015
Summary of the voting results on ExMC/1068/DV Mid-term and Scope Extension Assessment Report for Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc., Plano, Texas an Accepted ExTL within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02