Guidance for Applicants seeking IECEx Certification under the IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02
Rules and guidance for making applications for and use of IECEx conformity mark, IECEx 04
Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to obtain a Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC)
Voting form on the acceptance of the request from Ex-Agencija (HR) an Accepted ExCB and an Accepted ExTL within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02 to include IEC 60079-13, ISO 80079-36 and ISO 80079-37 within their scope.
The Eighteenth Meeting of the ExMC Umhlanga, South Africa8th and 9th September 2016 Draft Formal Minutes
Re-assessment and Scope Extension Report for the continued acceptance of Agencija za prostore ugrožene eksplozivnom atmosferom (Ex-Agencija) an Accepted Certification Body, (ExCB), and Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02
Summary of the voting results on ExMC/1192/DV Vote on the acceptance of co-operation between TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Germany, an Accepted ExCB and TÜV NORD CERT GmbH, Germany, an Accepted ExTL.
IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance INSEMEX to participate as an Accepted Certification Body, ExCB, and an Accepted Test Laboratory, ExTL, in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02 (2MB)
Voting form for the IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance INSEMEX to participate as an Accepted Certification Body, ExCB, and an Accepted Test Laboratory, ExTL, in the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02
Voting form for the acceptance of the request from CESI SpA, Italy, an Accepted ExCB and an Accepted ExTL within the IECEx System, Equipment Scheme 02 to include ISO 80079-36 and ISO 80079-37 within their scope.