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2024 Annual Meetings of the IECEx System Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil Meeting Registration Meeting Documents Accommodation Photos Accommodation Offer Grand Carimã Resort & Convention CenterAvenidas das Cataratas, 4790 – Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná – BrazilZip Code: 85855-678 Phone: +55 45 3521 3060 Website: https://grandcarima.com.br/ Delegates are requested to make the reservation directly with the Hotel, by using the booking system on the hotel website using the reservation cod…


Certified equipment scheme Overview Contact a certification body (ExCB). Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme Standards Proficiency testing scheme. Introduction to the Certified Equipment Scheme The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is an international certification initiative that ensures the safety and compliance of electrical and mechanical equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres (hazardous areas). Governed by the…


Certified service facility scheme Overview Contact a certification body Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified service facility scheme Standards Introduction to the certified service facility scheme The safety of commercial facilities with hazardous locations strongly depends on the correct execution of all safety-relevant activities during the whole life cycle of the facility.  The IECEx certified service facilities scheme provides Ex equi…

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